Eva Settings Basics

The Eva Settings area is where you can set up and customize Eva. Eva Settings is laid out in two areas the Practice Content area and the Practice Management area. The Practice Content area holds all your practice operations and clinical workflow data while the Practice Management area holds all your practice contact information,...

Eva’s Patient Portal

Eva's patient portal is unlike any other patient portal because Eva is interactive and is a fully open note system. Patients get access to every bit of their information through their portal. The design of the patient portal is centralized around the function which is for patients to be able to easily access their...

Eva’s Core Patient Interview

Eva starts an interaction with a patient by conducting an individualized and thorough patient interview. This interview builds an understanding of the patient's story and the foundation of the medical record: patient history, family history, and symptoms. Eva then uses the research from validated questionnaires to recognize patterns of health and disease and presents...

Eva’s Platform

Eva's platform is the user interface you will use when interacting with Eva. Eva's platform is comprised of multiple areas of functionality that support your entire clinical workflow. The design of Eva's platform is centralized around the function of Eva which is to fully assist clinical professionals in their workflow of a patient outcome-focused...