Within Eva’s Settings, the Practice Content area holds everything that your practice offers to your patients from patient interactions all the way down to the supplies in your supply closet. The practice content area is where you’ll enter all your practice information gathered within the preparation stage of Eva Onboarding. Let us explore each content block to learn more.
Within the patient interactions content block, you can create, manage, and delete interactions/appointment types you plan to schedule for your patients. Within Eva a patient appointment is so much more than just a name, which is why we refer to appointments as patient interactions.
A patient interaction includes the name of the appointment, description, if a provider signature is required, if the appointment is Telehealth, a color theme for the schedule, the default appointment length, a default room, a customized patient interview, physical exam template, treatment plan template, and the corresponding consent for care. When a patient interaction is fully built and connected the result is a streamlined workflow that cuts charting time by 90%, increases efficiency dramatically, and supports patient outcomes.
Within the physical exam content block you can create, manage and delete physical exam templates your clinical staff utilize for patient interactions. Each physical exam template includes the name, description, content for the chart (physical exam outline dropped into the chart), and the ability to build multiple versions of the exam.
Within the treatment plan content block you can create, manage and delete treatment plan templates your clinical staff utilize for patient interactions. Treatment plans are created for procedures and for services offered within your clinic.
Within the services content block, you can create, manage and delete services your clinic staff utilizes to build and connect cost, price, and CPT codes to corresponding treatment plans. Each service includes the name, description, cost, price, and CPT code. Services can be thought of as time with a medical provider or as non-invasive appointments. Examples of services include new patients, office visits, follow-ups, telehealth, medication & treatment update, and consultations.
Within the procedures content block, you can create, manage and delete procedures your clinic staff utilizes to build and connect cost, price, and CPT codes to corresponding treatment plans. Each procedure includes the name, description, cost, price, and CPT code. Procedures can be thought of as more invasive or procedural hands-on treatments such as injections, manipulations, and operations.
Within the supplies content block you can create, manage, delete, track inventory and purchase order supplies you have within your clinic. Supplies can include medical supplies for office visits and procedures as well as office supplies and cleaning supplies. Each supply item includes the name, description, photo, vendor, sku number, cost, retail price, unit type, dosage, CPT and NDC codes. Once a supply has been created you can toggle on the option to track the inventory of the supply. You can also add the supply to a group – this is useful if you are grouping medical supplies for procedures.
Within the supplies content block you can create, manage, delete, and track inventory of supplies. Once a supply and vendor are created you can send purchase orders for supplies you have within Eva. Supplies can include medical supplies for office visits and procedures as well as office supplies and cleaning supplies. Each supply item includes the name, description, photo, vendor, sku number, cost, retail price, unit type, dosage, CPT and NDC codes. Once a supply has been created you can toggle on the option to track the inventory of the supply. You can also add the supply to a group – this is useful if you are grouping medical supplies for procedures.
Within the products content block you can create, manage, delete, and track inventory of products. Once a product and vendor are created you can send purchase orders for products within Eva. Products are over the counter items you sell to patients. Products can include supplements, nutrition plans, skincare, and more. Each product item includes the name, description, photo, dosage, warnings, vendor, cost, retail price, unit type, sale tax, and the option to include the product within the product store available to patients through their patient portal. Once a product has been created you can toggle on the option to track the inventory of the product.
Within the rooms content block, you can create, manage, and delete the different patient rooms you have within your clinic. The rooms you create will populate the columns on the calendar view of Eva’s schedule. Rooms can be connected to patient interactions as the default room for the appointment.
Within the equipment content block, you can create, manage, and delete the equipment you have within your clinic. Recorded equipment will include the name, description, photo, if the equipment belongs to a specific room, the purchase price (cost to replace), date of purchase, vendor, manufacturer, model, and serial number.
Within the vendor content block, you can create, manage, and delete the vendors you work with. Each vendor includes the name, and description if the vendor is for labs, products, supplies, supplements, equipment, or drugs as well as the account number website, address, contact name, phone, email, company phone, and fax number. If you plan on using the lab, inventory management, and purchase order functionality within Eva you must create corresponding vendors.
The inventory management content block is where you can manage your clinic inventory. To track the inventory of a supply or product you must turn on inventory tracking when creating the item. If an item is being tracked it will be pulled from inventory once a patient is checked out. Items can be connected to treatment plans without charging the patient for the item, many clinics use this functionality to track inventory of medical supplies used during a procedure. Items are also automatically removed from inventory once they are placed on a patient invoice and the patient is checked out.
The purchase order content block is where you can create and manage purchase orders to send to vendors. This purchase order functionality allows you to select from your vendor list to order supplies and products. Once you create an order Eva will send your order directly to your vendor. After the order is sent you can manage the status of your order by tracking when the order is received partially or fully.
Within the drug template content block, you can create, manage and delete drug templates. Drug templates can be created for compounds, in-house dispensable drugs, and supplements you would like to prescribe to a patient. Each drug template includes the name, description, default sig, warning, ingredients, and the unit, final drug form, maximum drug schedule, and vendor. Once the drug template is created you can toggle on the option to track the inventory for the drug. Tracking inventory of a drug template is useful if you are dispensing the drug in-house.
Within the lab content block, you can create, manage and delete labs. Once Eva is integrated with your Lab Vendor, these lab values will be automatically created specifically for the vendor. You can have multiple lab vendor connections. When a lab is received from a lab vendor Eva will place the lab within the Lab Results tab on the left-hand menu.
Within the lab graph groups content block, you can create, manage and delete lab graphing groups. Lab graphing groups are groups of labs that you would like Eva to display in a graph. This allows you to visually trend individual and groups of labs over time. Once a lab graph group is created you can use this group under the graphs tab within the patient dashboard and patient chart.