Practice Management Settings

Within Eva’s Settings, the Practice Management area holds all your practice contact information, branding, user management, and more. Let us explore each content block to learn more.

Practice Settings

The practice settings content block allows your team to manage all your practice settings and preferences. Within the practice settings block is your:

  • Practice Information: Your practice information includes the name of your practice, the address, your contact information, the login text for the login page, hours of operation as well as your scheduling hours and timezone.
  • App Customization: Within app customization, you can upload your practice logo, choose a branding color across the site, and choose an image for login screens.
  • App Preferences: Here you can manage your active pages as well as patient messaging preferences and how many days before an appointment patient reminders are sent. If you would like patients to have the ability to become a patient on their own from your site you can also turn on this capability as well as a default pharmacy.
  • Social Media: Within the social media tab you can enter your social media account links for sending in emails and other communications.
  • Billing: Under the billing tab you can manage your Eva Subscription, Stripe Connection, and Invoice Settings – where you control what gets displayed on a patient invoice, place of service code, displaying the signature of provider, tax id, and state sales tax percentage.


The providers content block is where you can create, manage and verify provider user accounts within Eva. Please keep in mind that the medical providers within your clinic will have to individually complete the process for verification and provider user access to Eva. Due to the nature of the verification process, the medical provider will have to be present and complete their verification processes, no one else can complete the verification process for the provider. Medical Provider Verification Process

All providers must go through identity verification before they can sign charts or write prescriptions.

Eva has partnered with for our identity verification process.’s DEA-compliant identity verification allows healthcare providers to verify their identity one time and create credentials they can use to securely issue electronic prescriptions for controlled substances (EPCS) from Eva.

View “How do I verify my identity for EPCS or eRx” to learn the step-by-step instructions about the identity proofing process.


Within the team content block, you can create, manage and delete Eva user profiles. You can also create groups for internal and external communications. When creating an Eva user you’ll first want to check if that user is already listed within your settings. Often account users have a patient account with the clinic, and to prevent duplicate files we recommend searching for an existing user. We take care of this functionality, once you click the create new user button we prompt you to search for an existing user and if they exist you can invite this user to Eva.

  • Team Members (Users): All current team members or users are listed under the team members tab.
  • User Roles: Every user or team member within Eva will have a role assigned. The three roles are Practice Staff, Practice Manage, and Practice Owner.

Practice Staff: Staff users can see patient information, appointments, charts, but do not have access to manage or change anything in settings.

Practice Manager: Managers can manage all aspects of Eva including patient information, appointments, charts, and company information, but cannot see or change your plan or payment options. Please keep in mind that users with the role set to Manager have the ability to maintain your practice information but cannot remove other users, change other user roles, or manage company settings. Only practice owners can manage these items.

Practice Owners: Owners can manage all patient information, appointments, charts, and all company information, including payment and plan options for your account.Only practice owners can remove other users, change other user roles, or manage company settings

  • Pending Invitations: Once you’ve created a new user an invitation will be sent to their email. Team members who have been invited but have not accepted their invitations will be listed under the pending invitations tab. You can resend the invitation or remove the invitation from this tab as well.
  • Devices: Under the devices tab, you can add a device used to log into computers, tablets and/or any other devices that are NOT associated to a user. This login can be used across the practice for multiple devices. A device type includes: Room Status – mounted outside the door and gives you information about the room status and patient information, Room Display – This type of device is mounted inside the room and is used for the patient interaction, and Other – This type of device can be used anywhere in your practice (tablets, laptops, etc.).
  • Groups: Adding groups allows your practice to create external and internal communication groups. Internal groups are used for tasking and internal practice communications between team members. External groups are groups that patients can message through their patient portal.


Under the consents content block you can create electronic consents for patients to sign to receive care, agree to payment structure and more. Once you’ve created a consent, this consent can be attached to any patient interaction. Once a consent is attached to a patient interaction it will be automatically sent to a patient to sign once the patient has been scheduled for the interaction. This consent will also populate within their patient portal. All signed consents are available to the provider and patient within their document center.


Within the messages content block, you can create, manage and delete emails for patients. The messages content block serves as your internal email generator. This editor allows you to build professional, visually appealing, and highly functional emails for your patients. You can send an email to a group of patients, all patients, or individuals.