Eva supports your team in creating, managing, and re-filling prescriptions for patients. You can access Eva Rx from the patient’s dashboard and directly from the patient chart. Any prescriptions pending signature and approval from a medical provider sit within the prescription tab of the left-hand menu.
To begin writing a prescription within Eva, you can access Eva Rx from the patient’s dashboard or from their chart. Within the patient’s dashboard click on the prescription tab listed along the top menu. Once you click this button you’ll see the patient’s active prescriptions with your clinic, other medications they are taking prescribed by another clinic, and the supplements they are currently taking. You will also see their preferred pharmacies listed. The pharmacy with a yellow triangle in the top right-hand corner is the patient’s favorited pharmacy, meaning this pharmacy will auto-populate when writing scripts.
To begin writing a prescription within Eva, you can access Eva Rx from the patient’s dashboard or from their chart. The left-hand side of the patient’s chart holds all of the patient’s current scripts, supplements, and other medications the patient reports taking.
To write a prescription within Eva Rx click on ‘New Prescription’ button located within the prescription manager in the patient’s dashboard or the ‘Add’ button within the patient’s chart. Eva Rx will open in the same window and you can begin the prescription writing process by searching for a drug or selecting a compound/dispensable.