Eva starts an interaction with a patient by conducting an individualized and thorough patient interview. This interview builds an understanding of the patient’s story and the foundation of the medical record: patient history, family history, and symptoms. Eva then uses the research from validated questionnaires to recognize patterns of health and disease and presents this information within the patient’s chart. Finally, medical providers use their expertise for clinical decision-making to complete conclusions and approve treatment plans.
Eva is not diagnosing patients, she is simply collecting large amounts of patient data, organizing, recording, and presenting it to you – the medical provider. Medical providers use this information in clinical decision-making. Because most of the documentation is complete, Eva saves you 90% of charting time. We call the technology behind Eva’s Core Interview, Responsible AI. Responsible AI leaves decision-making at the hands of medical providers.
The overall health score is calculated from patient interview results. This score can help patients and providers get an idea of a patient’s overall well-being from a score of 0-100, with 100 being the highest standard of health and wellness. The health score encourages patients to continue making small steps in their health journey to increase this score and improve overall health. Eva’s health score is accessible to patients from their patient portal within the My Health tab.
The health graph is calculated from patient interview results and displays a bar graph for functional body systems. The higher the bar reflects more issues and symptoms reported within the interview. The bar graph allows patients and providers to get a visual representation of their reported issues as they pertain to body systems and how the systems correlate to one another. The Health Graph is also accessible to patients from their patient portal within the My Health tab.
The top three health alerts are calculated from patient interview results and correlate with the functional systems health graph. The top three health alerts are meant to alert providers of systems to explore deeper with patients as related to their interview answers. The top three health alerts are accessible to patients from their patient portal within the My Health tab.
Eva fully documents the complete interview within the patient’s chart for clinical teams to reference and providers to utilize for treatment plan decision making. This fully recorded and documented interview is also accessible to patients from their patient portal within the My Health tab.
Eva’s Core Interview gathers and records a patient’s health history as well as family history. When the interview is completed by a patient, Eva will then populate the health history area of the patient’s chart. To view and/or edit a patient’s health history simply click on the ‘Manage History’ Link listed below the patient’s profile picture within a patient chart.