Eva’s platform is the user interface you will use when interacting with Eva. Eva’s platform is comprised of multiple areas of functionality that support your entire clinical workflow. The design of Eva’s platform is centralized around the function of Eva which is to fully assist clinical professionals in their workflow of a patient outcome-focused care model. Let’s explore the platform.
The menu within Eva is located on the left-hand side. From this menu, you can access the dashboard, schedule, patient list, patient messaging center, prescriptions review, billing, product store, lab results, document review, reporting, and Eva’s settings.
When you log into Eva and begin using the platform you’ll first see the dashboard. The dashboard is where you can see a list of all of your patients for today. Patients are displayed as patient cards that let you know where the patient is within the workflow. Whether they are confirmed for their appointment, checked in, ready to see a provider, or ready to check out you’ll know where everyone is within your clinic.
Eva’s schedule is user-friendly, fully customized, and powerful. Eva uses smart scheduling so that from the moment you schedule an individual for an appointment everything is completely set up and ready to go for that patient interaction. Smart scheduling means the entire clinical workflow is set up and ready to go from gathering patient information and documentation to billing and patient communications.
Your patient list is a complete list of all of your patients. Clicking on a patient from the patient list will take you to their patient dashboard. The patient dashboard is their full medical record and every bit of information they need for that patient. The patient dashboard is also where you can access a large amount of functionality to fully support the patient including a full list of all patient interactions, their corresponding charts and invoices, the patient’s billing history, any memberships they may be a part of, their document center, referrals, prescriptions, graphs that trend vitals and their lab results, internal office notes, and any tasks associated with that particular patient.
Within messages, you can access a full library of all messages between your clinic and patients. Patients can message your clinic through their patient portal. When a patient has messaged your clinic a red notification triangle will show up in the upper left-hand corner of the messages tab. Each message is also tied to each individual patient’s message center held within their patient dashboard.
The prescriptions tab on the left-hand menu is where all pending prescriptions for patients are held. These pending prescriptions are waiting for provider review, approval, and signature to be electronically delivered to pharmacies.
The billing tab is where all open invoices for patients live. These open invoices are available to anyone within the clinic to access click into them and explore. This allows your team to be on top of payments that need to be made by patients to your clinic.
Eva has a lot of functionality including the ability for your patients to access a product store from their patient portal. This product store houses all products that you can sell over the counter to patients. When a patient orders a product from the product store within their patient portal they can order it to be shipped to them or picked up at your clinic. The product store tab from the left-hand menu is where your team can manage these orders.
Eva has the ability to integrate with lab vendors across the country. Once an integration is complete the results from your lab vendor will populate into the lab tab from the left-hand side menu. Eva will display the lab results, let you know if a patient’s lab results are out of range, and also provide a PDF from the vendor. Eva then provides you the opportunity to name the lab, make a note about the lab, and send a message to the patient directly regarding the lab results. Once a lab has been signed off the lab is then fully accessible to the patient through their patient portal.
The review tab from the left-hand menu allows you as a medical provider to review documents that have been added to a patient’s record. Once a provider has reviewed and signed the document it is available to the patient through their patient portal. Examples of documents to be reviewed by a provider are image results and referrals from other organizations.
Eva offers a wide variety of reporting for your independent medical practice. These reports include but are not limited to appointment reports, billing reports, email and SMS reports, prescription reports, and product reports.
Eva’s settings are accessible to users who have the user role of manager or owner. Within Eva, these users can access settings to fully customize Eva and train her in your clinical workflow. Eva’s settings are where you can customize things like your schedule, your patient interactions, memberships, patient questionnaires, and more.